
Record Citations

APA Citation

Bosley, K., & Timonen, S. (1990). I will sing of what I know: Fifty lyrics, ritual songs and ballads from the Kanteletar. Finnish Literature Society.

Chicago Style Citation

Bosley, Keith, and Senni Timonen. I Will Sing of What I Know: Fifty Lyrics, Ritual Songs and Ballads from the Kanteletar. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 1990.

MLA Citation

Bosley, Keith, and Senni Timonen. I Will Sing of What I Know: Fifty Lyrics, Ritual Songs and Ballads from the Kanteletar. Finnish Literature Society, 1990.

Harvard Style Citation

Bosley, K. & Timonen, S. 1990. I will sing of what I know: Fifty lyrics, ritual songs and ballads from the Kanteletar. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society.

Remember to check citations for accuracy before including them in your work.