
Viiden suuren persoonallisuuspiirteen yhteydet paranormaaleihin uskomuksiin 15 vuoden seurannassa : väestöpohjainen pitkittäistutkimus Suomessa

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Viiden suuren persoonallisuuspiirteen yhteydet paranormaaleihin uskomuksiin 15 vuoden seurannassa : väestöpohjainen pitkittäistutkimus Suomessa

The association between five major personality traits and paranormal beliefs in a 15-year follow-up : a population-based longitudinal study in Finland

Objectives: In previous studies, high openness has been connected to a higher number of paranormal beliefs, agreeableness and conscientiousness have not been connected to paranormal beliefs mainly. The connections of neuroticism and extroversion with paranormal beliefs have been contradictory. However, previous research has been based on cross-sectional studies, with an emphasis on student samples. This study aimed to investigate how the five major personality traits are connected to the development of paranormal beliefs in a 15-year follow-up in a large population-based sample.

Methods: The data used in the study (N = 948–1362) was from Finnish population-based follow-up study called The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study, in which six different age cohorts born between 1962 and 1977 have been studied. Paranormal beliefs were measured with the spirituality subscale (The Spiritual Acceptance vs. Rational Materialism) of the Temperament and Character Inventory questionnaire in 1997, 2001 and 2012, when the subjects were 20–50 years old. Personality traits were measured with the NEO Five-Factor Inventory questionnaire in 2007 and 2012. The relationship between personality traits and the development of paranormal beliefs was studied longitudinally with a multilevel model and cross-sectionally with regression analysis. Age, gender, and socioeconomic status were controlled in the analyses.

Results and Conclusions: High openness, high neuroticism, and high extraversion were associated with higher course of paranormal beliefs at 15-year follow-up. Conscientiousness and agreeableness were not associated to the development of paranormal beliefs. Similar associations between personality traits and paranormal beliefs were also found in the cross-sectional study. The results bring unique new information on how personality traits are connected to the development of paranormal beliefs in a long follow-up. The results provide a possible explanation for why paranormal beliefs exist in the population despite increase in education and knowledge, as paranormal beliefs seem to be partially related to personality structures.

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